The very thought of education brings to my mind the concept of emancipation. It liberates our mind, helps to grow to break the shackles of intolerance, removing darkness and poverty. I have learned so many things during my four years of experience as a student-teacher and as a prospective teacher educator.Every policy and programme whether it be National Policy of Education(1986), Kothari Commission (1964-66), Secondary Education Commission(1952-53) were framed taking into mind the needs of the people associated with their actual implementation at the ground level.The grassroot level approach in curriculum development as suggested by Hilda Tawa prioritize on taking the opinion of the teachers. My associations with the community in and around the village of Napaam,Tezpur the internship program at Kendriya Vidyalaya during the B.Ed programme have helped me to have a practical approach. It in a way has helped me to hone my skills. Classroom discussions have been mainly activity-based. National Curriculum Framework (NCF) 2005 has focused upon the concept of Constructivism in education. At a time when students lives are at stake due to the global pandemic COVID-19, countries have shifted to online classes. In a developing country like India, lack of infrastructure in the form of proper ICT resources is often seen as a barrier to making education reach every child. Down the line, there are many who cant afford to have a cell phone to get connected to online classes. It is thus necessary that the top-level administration and the bureaucratic process involved in policy planning take note of these issues which seem minimal but are of utmost necessity to shape the future of the nation.It is time we as stakeholders of the education system take a serious note about the challenges faced by learners to tackle issues arising due to the pandemic which has a huge impact upon the education system.This would also help us to deal with the post pandemic challenges as well.As Kothari Commission notes
"The destiny of India is being shaped in her classroom