Saturday, 28 July 2018


The importance of Science as a school subject depends mainly on its multifarious values in our daily life. Present age is known as the age of science. Inspite of the efforts made by the government the popularity of Science among students in different schools of India is not quite of a one that can be appreciated  of. Most of the  dropouts from schools are due to subjects like Science, Mathematics and English. It depends upon the teacher how he chooses the content, how he/she finds out ways to make learning of Science fun for students and not a burden.How do we teach our students using appropriate pedagogical tools?What are the different teaching aids that could be used to make learning fun for students?Within the stipulated time frame of 40-45 minutes,teachers should try to plan out their lessons in such a way so that students can derive maximum benefit out of it.For most of the students willing to choose chemistry as their future career,learning of the periodic table holds utmost importance.Apart from this it also has significance in everyday applications. Below is a sample plan on an important topic"The Periodic Table".

Topic:Periodic Table
Time:2 periods(80 minutes)
Teaching aids:charts,power point presentation,questionnaire.

The topic chosen is “periodic table”.The content has been selected keeping with the cognitive level of the learners.The students will get an overview idea about different elements, their properties, atomic size, atomic radius,  electronegativity, electron affinity etc. Focus has been made to help the child proceed from the lowest level of the cognitive domain remembering to the most complex one creating.

The prime aim is to develop the cognitive aspect of the students.

The students will be able to draw the periodic table with different elements arranged in a sequence in rows and columns.

Instructional plan
(1)Topic-Periodic table
(2)Content analysis-
(A)History-a brief introduction
                 -detail explanation
(B)Classification of element
(3)Practice to learn-Pedagogical tool
(a)History-power point presentation
(b)Classification of elements-charts.
(c)Video games (names of websites)
(4)Pedagogical method
    (a) Teacher Centered Method(TCM)
    (b) Student Centered Method(SCM)
For explaining the topic to the students Lecture-cum Demonstration method can be chosen.
(5)Learning objectives
An important learning objective is the development of intellectual skills of the students.
(1)The child will be able to recall and recognize different elements of the periodic table.He /she will be able to recognise the noble gases,lanthanides,actenides etc.
(2)The child will be able to differentiate  one element from the other based on their properties.
-Creating: The students will be able to develop new arrangement of elements.

   -Skill:Preparation of chart of periodic table.The students will be able to draw the periodic table with different elements arranged in a sequence in rows and columns.
(c)Affective domain
  -Attitude: It can vary from student to student. In a classroom some of the students can develop positive attitude towards the topic and may be willing to choose chemistry as their future career,carrying out research in its different fields.Some others might find it very hard to grasp the content and may develop a negative attitude towards the same.

(6)Steps according to method-Teacher Student activities.
(1)Questioning technique
Ø  Teacher activities would include explanation of the topic-the periodic table with the help of chart.
Ø  Student activities would include –listening to the teacher,giving attention  to the words of the teacher.
Ø  The teacher will ask few questions on the basis of the topic explained-
(Q1)In the periodic table the atomic radius of the elements decreases across the period.Why?
(Q2)Why the Noble gases are considered as stable gases?
(Q3)Who developed the Modern Periodic table?
Ø  Students will answer.
Ø  The teacher will give a general conclusion on the topic on the basis of the answers of the students.
It helps the teacher to determine to what degree learning occurs after the content has been discussed in class.It makes the teaching learning process quite easier.
·         The time allotted  to discuss the content can be taken as:2 periods(80 minutes)
·         The students can be  evaluated on the basis of an MCQ  based test on the periodic table.
·         The test can be  conducted for 20 marks with 1 marks for each question.
·         The time duration can be alloted as 20 minutes.
·         No of students in one group can be taken as 14 in number.
·         After the completion of the test,highest marks obtained by the students can be found out.Let's suppose that the highest mark obtained is 17 and the lowest mark obtained is 6.Based on this the grading of the students can be done.

GRADING OF THE STUDENTS ON THE BASIS OF THE MCQ TEST                                                                



                                           MCQ BASED TEST ON PERIODIC TABLE

Marks=20                                                                                      Time=30 Minute

Choose the correct answers  and tick mark the answers. Each question carries one mark. You have to attempt all the questions.

1. Which of the following is the 1st element in the periodic table?
a. He                              b. N                           c. H                                    d. Na
2. Which of the followings elements is in gaseous state?
a. Al                            b. Cl                             c. Na                                  d. Li
3. How many periods are on the periodic table?
a. 18                             b. 25                             c. 7                                   d. 30
4. Which groups contains the noble gases?
a. 17                             b. 10                            c. 18                                  d. 15
5. Which element has an atomic no of 27?
a. C                              b. Ca                            c. Cu                                d. Cr
6. Name  the scientist who gave the law of octave?
a. Mandelev                b. Newlands                 c. Dalton                        d. Doberneir
7. Which of the following is not an inert gas?
a. Helium (He)            b. Argon (Ar)                c. Bromine (Br)              d. Radon (Rn)
8. Which group of elements in modern periodic table is referred to as ‘alkali metals’?
a. Group 1                   b. Group 2                    c. Group 17                   d. Group 18
9. Group 17 elements are called ………………………
10. Modern periodic table is based on……………………………
11. When we move from left to right across a period, the electron affinity
a. Remains the same         b. Approaches zero            c. Decreases               d. Increases
12. Among the halogens which has higher boiling point?
a. Cl                          b. Br                                      c. F                                  d. I
13. In group from top to bottom electron affinity
a. increases                   b. Decreases                 c. Remain same              d. None
14. Which of the following is halogen elements?
a. H                   b. F                    c. C                      d. N
15. Which of the following is not a noble gas?
a. Be                  b. He                  c. Ne                 d. Xe
16. The least reactive elemant in periodic table are ………………..
17. Both of elements of 1st period contains valence electrons in……………
18.Group A elements are called………………..
19. Physical properties of elements depends on the…………….
20. Elements in modern periodic table are are arranged on the basis of………………………………..              


Thursday, 26 July 2018


MCQ test are the most popular form of test among students.They have been used extensively in recent years for assessment purpose,more particularly in higher classes where marking on the part of the teacher for student evaluation can consume time and energy both.They help make the teaching learning process easier. Below are some MCQ based questions which can be used to evaluate the content knowledge on the topic Friction for school students.

  Multiple Choice Questions(MCQ ) On Friction


                                                                                                                             Time:15 minutes


 1) All the questions are compulsory and are of MCQ type containing four options each.
 2) Please read the questions carefully before answering.
 3) Question no 1 to 10  contains 2 marks each.
 4) Put a against the option you consider correct among the four options.

1)The force of friction acts in a direction _____ to the direction of motion of object.

a.        Same
b.        Opposite
c.        Perpendicular
d.        Downwards

2)The force of friction depends upon:

a.        Nature of surface of contact
b.        Material of objects in contact
c.        Both ‘a’ and ‘b’
d.       None of the above

3)The body will move only when:

a.        Force of friction = applied force
b.        Force of friction < applied force
c.        Force of friction > applied force
d.       All of the above

4)The force which opposes the movement of an object when it travels through air or water?

a      Tension Force
b       Drag Force
c       Spring Force
d      Gravitational Force

5)  To reduce air and water resistance objects are shaped in:

6) An object is at rest on a floor,a force is applied to move that object.Which friction force will come into an action at this moment?
Sliding friction
Static friction
Rolling friction
Fluid friction
7)Which of the following statement is not true?
Friction makes the things slow down.
Friction  produces heat.
Friction can stop the moving object.
Friction is not useful
8) Tyres of which vehicles are biggest treads among the following?
 Race car

9)  Friction is reduced by
making sliding surfaces smooth
lubricating the surface
using ball bearings
all of above

10) Rocket has a special streamlined body in order to

Increase friction.
Reduce friction.
Make them attractive.
None of these.

Wednesday, 25 July 2018


Achievement test is an important assessment tool. It is used to measure a person's level of skill accomplished or knowledge in a specified area.These test are used for academic evaluation of students.They are of great help to teachers as they help them to find out the areas in which the students are lacking which can be done through a diagnosis test.Below is a sample achievement test  carried out for class 8 students.

                                         CONSTRUCTION OF A ACHIEVEMENT TEST
                                      LITTLE FLOWER SCHOOL, NORTH LAKHIMPUR
                                                                 CLASS TEST

                                                                                                                                                   Time:1  hrs

                    All questions are compulsory.
2                There are three parts of the question paper.
·  Part A consist of 6 marks.Question number 1 is of fill in the  blanks  type where each question carries 1  mark.
·   Part  B  consist of 10 marks and it consist of 5 questions carrying two marks each.
·   Part C consist of 9 marks having three questions carrying 3 marks each.
      Please read the questions carefully before answering.
      Entire answer to a question should be given together.

                                                                       PART-A                                                            (1*6=6)

 1)Fill in the blanks:-

(a) The force of friction acts in a direction -------------------------------to the direction of motion of the        object.
(b) The force of  friction  depends on-----------------------------------and----------------------.
(c) Rocket has special streamlined body in order to -------------------------------friction.
(d) The sound is produced by the ------------------------------------in humans.
(e) Sound needs a medium for ----------------------------------.
(f) The loudness of sound is expressed  in a unit called--------------------------.

                                                                     PART-B                                                            (2*5=10)

Answer  the following in short:-
(a) Why sportsmen use shoes with spikes?
(b) What are lubricants? Name some common lubricants.
(c) What is vibration? Give some examples of vibration.
(d) What are the two important properties of sound?
(e) Differentiate between noise and musical sound.

                                                          PART-C                                                            (3*3=9)

 Answer in brief:-

(a) Describe how bats navigate in the dark?
(b) What is rolling friction? Why are rollers  fitted to luggage?
(c)  A  pendulum oscillates  40 times in 4 seconds .Find  its  time period and frequency.

           ----------------------------------ALL THE BEST-----------------------------------